Winter Warfare Archives - SOF News Special Operations News From Around the World Thu, 09 Mar 2023 00:58:14 +0000 en hourly 1 Winter Warfare Archives - SOF News 32 32 114793819 Green Berets Conduct Cold Weather Training Thu, 09 Mar 2023 06:00:00 +0000 Story by Spc. Kimberly Gonzalez, 10th SFG(A). 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne) Green Berets and enablers conducted cold weather training (CWT) from Feb. 5th to the 10th, in Montana. “This training exercise is split up into two phases, the first [...]]]>

Story by Spc. Kimberly Gonzalez, 10th SFG(A).

10th Special Forces Group (Airborne) Green Berets and enablers conducted cold weather training (CWT) from Feb. 5th to the 10th, in Montana.

“This training exercise is split up into two phases, the first three weeks is us getting comfortable in a cold weather environment,” said a team sergeant with 10th SFG (A). “The phase we are in right now is the winter warfare course (WWC) which focuses on tactical movement using snowmobile and skis.”

Montana has over 147,000 square miles that provides an extreme cold weather environment and land to conduct training. Some of the training exercises conducted during this time were avalanche rescue exercises, snowmobile maneuvers and ambush drills. Inclement weather was also a natural obstacle, which Soldiers needed to be prepared for while operating in austere conditions.

During the training, the Green Berets worked with other allied countries’ special forces and shared different ideas and tactics to become a more efficient and lethal force. Being in the mountains during the winter can cause different types of challenges a Soldier may not usually face.

Without warning, an avalanche can happen; knowing how to avoid or rescue someone safely is essential. Our Green Berets learned how to use a beacon to find someone under the snow. They practiced different techniques to shovel snow that requires the least amount of energy and time.

“This gives us an opportunity to shake up our techniques, figure out what’s good, what’s bad and then make corrections in a safe environment to make ourselves better prepared for the future,” said the team sergeant.

While conducting operations in a cold weather environment, moving through deep snow can be difficult. To maneuver through this obstacle the Soldiers needed to be able to operate a snowmobile. They learned how to get a snowmobile out of the snow if it were to get stuck in soft areas. Soldiers also were able to get hands on experience with all the functions and maintenance required for them. Getting acquainted with new equipment helps Soldiers be more confident in performing their tasks.

“We spent the last 20 years focusing on Iraq and Afghanistan which is the exact opposite of wintry snow conditions,” said the team sergeant. “Getting our Soldiers out here and used to living and working in the cold is probably the biggest challenge for everyone.”

After getting comfortable with maneuver and rescue techniques, the Green Berets conducted range operations, which are slightly different from controlled ranges due to equipment they usually do not wear. They practiced adjusting themselves on skis and using ski poles to stabilize their weapons as they performed various combat drills such as react to contact and react to ambush.

“These training exercises enable our teams to rehearse extended long-range patrols in the Arctic and spend weeks in extreme cold weather climates,” said a Detachment Commander with 10th SFG (A). “Focusing on maintaining Arctic dominance in, not only in the U.S., but with our partners in the North shows that we have a strong multinational presence.”


Photo: A 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne) Green Beret practices snowmobile maneuvers during cold weather training at Montana on Feb. 6, 2023. These exercises are designed to properly and safely maneuver snowmobiles in dangerous areas. (U.S. Army photo by Spc. Kimberly Gonzalez)

This story by Spc. Kimberly Gonzalez was first published on February 27, 2023 by the Defense Visual Information Distribution Service. DVIDS content is in the public domain.

SOF and Arctic Security and Strategy Fri, 07 Oct 2022 05:00:00 +0000 The September-October 2022 issue of the Journal of Indo-Pacific Affairs has published a series of articles (15) on Arctic strategy and security. Three of these articles are focused on special operations forces activities in the high north. “Special Operations Command [...]]]>

The September-October 2022 issue of the Journal of Indo-Pacific Affairs has published a series of articles (15) on Arctic strategy and security. Three of these articles are focused on special operations forces activities in the high north.

“Special Operations Command North: Leading Special Operations Forces into the North American Arctic”, by BG Shawn Satterfield and Lt Col Sky Jensen, JIPA, Air University Press, October 3, 2022. View online.

“Special Operations Forces and Arctic Indigenous People: Partnering to Defend the North American Arctic Homeland”, by LTC James Morton and Dr. Ryan Burke, JIPA, Air University Press, October 3, 2022. View online.

“The Unconventional Approach to Arctic Security: Increasing Domain Awareness through the US Army Special Operations Forces’ Indigenous Approach”, by MAJ W. Barrett Martin, MAJ Michael Tovo, and MAJ Devin Kirkwood, JIPA, Air University Press, October 3, 2022. View online.

In addition to the three articles cited above, the JIPA issue has many more articles about Arctic security and strategy:

  • Campaigning at the Top of the World
  • Arctic Strategy Deterrence and Détente
  • Forging the Arctic Warrior
  • Landpower and Security in the European Arctic
  • Alaska’s Strategic Importance
  • The Russian Invasion of Ukraine Freezes Moscow’s Arctic Ambitions
  • Securing a Blue Arctic Century
  • Why China is Not a Peer Competitor in the Arctic
  • Melting a Chinese Iceberg
  • Above the Arctic (Cooperation in Space)
  • Polar Nights, White Nights, and Normal Days and Nights
  • The Three-Fold Path of the Snow Dragon


The Journal of Indo-Pacific Affairs (JIPA), Air University Press, September-October 2022, PDF, 176 pages.

Photo: Special Operations Winter Mountain Operator Course. 10th Special Forces Group, March 2022

Podcast – SOF in the High North Wed, 07 Apr 2021 05:00:00 +0000 The new National Defense Strategy has special operations forces spending less time on GWOT and more time on great power competition (GPC). SOF has to be prepared to meet the GPC challenge in many parts of the world. With climate [...]]]>

The new National Defense Strategy has special operations forces spending less time on GWOT and more time on great power competition (GPC). SOF has to be prepared to meet the GPC challenge in many parts of the world. With climate change, the Arctic region is presenting opportunities for new sea lanes for shipping, access to gas and oil reserves, and mineral resources. It also offers a platform for power projection. Russia and China are moving aggressively to gain greater access and influence in the Arctic – often counter to the interests of the United States.

The 10th Special Forces Group is focused on Europe to include the high north of the Arctic region. This requires special equipment, training, and new ways of operating in a cold weather environment. Capt. Barrett Martin, of 10th SFG, recently deployed his Special Forces detachment to the high north. He shares what his team learned during that experience while training with Norwegian and Swedish forces. The commander of the 10th SFG, Col. Brian Rauen, provides the big picture about operations in the high north.

The discussion is led by Dr. Ryan Burke – co-director of Project 6633, which is an effort to explore the topic of polar security. In addition, the panel discusses an essay contest that is inviting submissions that address the question of how American special operations forces can operate in the Arctic north.

Special Operations Forces in the High North
Modern War Institute at West Point
April 2, 2021, 36 minutes

Photo: 10th Special Forces member on a snow machine during a four week long winter warfare training exercise in Sweden. (photo by SSG Matthew Britton, SOCEUR, February 28, 2018.

U.S. Army Arctic Strategy – 2021 Fri, 19 Mar 2021 05:00:00 +0000 The U.S. Army has announced the new Army Arctic strategy. On March 16, 2021 it released a document entitled Regaining Arctic Dominance. The strategy outlines how the Army will generate, train, organize, and equip its forces to secure U.S. national [...]]]>

The U.S. Army has announced the new Army Arctic strategy. On March 16, 2021 it released a document entitled Regaining Arctic Dominance. The strategy outlines how the Army will generate, train, organize, and equip its forces to secure U.S. national interests and maintain regional stability. The Arctic region is gaining a lot of attention from several nations – to include Russia and China.

The Arctic is an important region that contains natural resources, key shipping lanes, is key to protecting the homeland, and is a platform for projecting global power. The region encompasses activities to include resource extraction, trade, shipping, scientific operations and expeditions, and national defense.

The Army needs to be able to project forces into the Arctic region so it can respond in competition, crisis, and / or conflict situations. The region is vast and is an area where air and naval travel is critical because of the harsh environment and logistical challenges.

Map Arctic Region

The Arctic Region. There are eight nations that border on the Arctic region. These are the United States (Alaska), Canada, Russia, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Denmark (Greenland). The United States has strong defense relationships with six of the seven other Arctic nations. The diminishment of the Arctic sea ice has prompted many of these nations to take a renewed interest in the Arctic – especially with the increased human activity that the melting ice cap has allowed. With climate change access to rich natural resources has improved – especially for oil deposits, rare earth minerals, and fishing grounds. The two seasonal waterways, the Northern Sea Route and Northwest Passage, are experiencing increased navigation due to the receding polar ice pack. This is also raising the possibility of future sovereignty and shipping disputes among the countries bordering the Arctic Ocean.

Competition in the Arctic. In this era of great power competition the U.S. is being confronted by both Russia and China in many areas of the world – and this includes the Arctic region. The recent activities of Russia and China in the past several years in the Arctic have been increasingly concerning. Both nations are seeking to use military, diplomatic, and economic power to gain greater access to the region – at the expense of United States interests. A troubling concern is the effort by both nations to announce ever-increasing claims on northern territories and waterways. Equally troubling is the apparent attempts by both Russia and China to de-legitimize the sovereignty of territories and dis-establishing the ‘rules-based order’ currently in place.

Sea Lanes in Arctic Region

Key Waterways. There have always been shipping lanes used for military and commercial vessels in this region. With climate change, the sea lanes in the Arctic are becoming open for longer periods of time and new sea lanes are becoming available. The waterways of the Arctic are important from an economic standpoint. China can significantly reduce travel time for shipping by using the Arctic instead of transiting the Pacific, Indian Ocean, and Suez Canal. From a military standpoint the United States and Russia can move naval ships between two primary theaters of engagement – the Indo-Pacific and Europe. This northern waterway route is becoming more important as an avenue for great power competition and aggression.

Russia. Russia is re-establishing some of its military capabilities and increasing its exploration for natural resources. It has increased its military presence to include conducting military exercises and establishing new military bases. It recently conducted a series of parachute jumps in the region with its special operations forces. Many national security observers believe that Russia maintains the largest military presence above the Arctic Circle. Russia has increased its attempts to constrain freedom of navigation (maritime traffic) and overflights of aircraft in violation of international law.

China. China is increasing its presence to ensure that it has access to key shipping lanes and natural resources. The use of the ‘northern shipping route’ ties into its ‘One Belt, One Road’ initiative. It also is attempting to inject itself into the ‘governing’ of the Arctic region; upsetting the current regime of ‘rules’ that currently govern the Arctic region. China is advancing its claim to the Arctic with the notion that it is a “Near Arctic State”. It currently is a member of the Arctic Council Observers States along with twelve other non-Arctic states. The Arctic Council, created in 1996, is the leading international forum for addressing issues relating to the Arctic. China has conducted a range of economic and research activities that are likely tied to strengthening the country’s military capabilities in the Arctic Ocean and region in the future. It is currently embarked on an effort to design and build a nuclear-powered science icebreaker.

Photo: Radar system at Thule Air Base, Greenland, one of several that scan the skies for foreign military rockets, missiles, and aircraft. Photo by JoAnne Castagna, U.S. Army.

Strategy Objectives. The Army has developed some objectives and plans that will allow it to ‘regain’ Arctic dominance:

  • Establish a two-star headquarters with specifically trained and equipped combat brigades
  • Improve material readiness of Arctic-capable units
  • Improve individual and collective training in mountainous and high-altitude environments
  • Improve quality of life for Soldiers, civilians, and families living and working in the Arctic region

In this new era of great power competition the United States has to be able to project power into the Arctic region. This power projection by the Air Force, Navy, and Armor will ensure that Russia and China do not interfere with navigation, sovereignty rights, or the ability of the US to defend the homeland or project power from the Arctic region. The US Army has an important role to play in this region. The Army’s new Arctic strategy will allow it to regain its ability to protect US interests in the region.


Photo: High Altitude Lowe Opening (HALO) parachute jump during winter warfare training in Sweden, February 2018. Photo by Special Operations Command Europe (SOCEUR).

Maps. Central Intelligence Agency.


“Army Announces release of Arctic Strategy”, U.S. Army Pubic Affairs, March 16, 2021

Regaining Arctic Dominance: The U.S. Army in the Arctic
Headquarters, Department of the Army, January 19, 2021, PDF, 54 pages.

Report to Congress: Department of Defense Arctic Strategy, Department of Defense, June 2019, PDF, 19 pages.

Arctic Strategy, Department of the Air Force, July 2020, PDF, 20 pages.

Arctic Strategic Outlook, United States Coast Guard, April 2019, PDF, 48 pages.

Changes in the Arctic: Background and Issues for Congress, Congressional Research Service, CRS R41153, February 2021, PDF, 140 Pages.

Cold Weather Packing List Video Mon, 26 Mar 2018 15:33:23 +0000 Cold Weather Packing List Video – Have a look at what a U.S. Marine puts in his backpack to survive in the cold weather. 21 items weighing a total of 79 pounds will keep him warm. He can then survive [...]]]>

Cold Weather Packing List Video – Have a look at what a U.S. Marine puts in his backpack to survive in the cold weather. 21 items weighing a total of 79 pounds will keep him warm. He can then survive the cold and fight in winter conditions. One minute long video by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) published on NATO YouTube channel March 26, 2018.
