Video – SOMAC Challenge – ARSOF Maintainers Competition

The 2nd Annual Special Operations Maintainers Annual Challenge (SOMAC) was hosted by 10th SFGA in Nov 2017 at Fort Carson, Colorado (Image from U.S. Army video, SGT Connor Mendez, Nov 16, 2017).
The 2nd Annual Special Operations Maintainers Annual Challenge (SOMAC) was hosted by 10th SFGA in Nov 2017 at Fort Carson, Colorado (Image from U.S. Army video, SGT Connor Mendez, Nov 16, 2017).

SOMAC Challenge – Soldiers from across the United States Army Special Operations Command (USASOC) competed in the 2nd Annual Special Operations Maintainers Annual Challenge (SOMAC) at Fort Carson, Colorado. The event was hosted by the 10th Special Forces Group in November 2017. The SOMAC Challege is designed to test the tactical, physical, and technical abilities of maintenance teams across the Army’s SOF community. (Video by SGT Conor Mendez , U.S. Army, November 16, 2017).

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