CDOQC Phase 1 – Afghan Commandos Train on RPG-7

CDOQC Phase 1 RPG Training - An ANASOC instructor talks recruits through the principles of firing the RPG-7. Photo by MSG Felix Figueroa, NSOCC-A, July 30, 2018.

CDOQC Phase 1

The first phase – CDOQC Phase 1 – of the Afghan National Army Special Operations Command’s (ANASOC) School of Excellence Commando Qualification Course (CDOQC) is on small arms weapons systems. The Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF) rely heavily on the offensive punch of the Afghan Commando units. One reason for this heavy reliance on the Special Operations Kandaks (SOKs) is the extensive training the Commando trainees receive prior to joining their Commando units. CDOQC 25 recruits started their Commando training in July 2018 at Camp Commando in Kabul. Over 770 recruits received weeks-long weapons systems training on the M4 carbine rifle, M203 grenade launcher, M240 machine gun, and the RPG-7 rocket propelled grenade launcher. The weapons training was conducted by Afghan Commando instructors as well as members of the Slovak and Polish Special Operations Advisory Teams (SOATs).

“As Commandos, we must be properly trained and prepared to fire any weapon typically found in an infantry unit’s inventory. It’s my job to ensure these recruits receive the best experienced based training before graduating and joining the fight against our enemies. Once you’re out there, aside from your Commando brother’s, training is what you rely on”- SFC Sheer-Jan, ANASOC School Of Excellence weapons and training instructor.

An ANASOC instructor guides a Commando recruit in firing an RPG-7 during CDOQC Phase 1 training. Photo by MSG Felix Figueroa, NSOCC-A, August 2, 2018.

Photo Caption: An ANASOC instructor guides a Commando recruit in firing an RPG-7 during CDOQC Phase 1 training. Photo by MSG Felix Figueroa, NSOCC-A, August 2, 2018.

Several days of training are on the Rocket Propelled Grenade launcher (RPG-7). Depending on their proficiency, each student fired the RPG-7 one or two times. The RPG-7 is a man-portable, shoulder-fired weapon designed for anti-tank use. However, it is used as a common weapon system in many countries to include Afghanistan. Both the ANDSF and insurgents used the RPG-7. The rocket launcher is of Russian origin but is manufactured by several nations. It is a favorite weapon of many nations due to its low-cost, simplicity, ruggedness and effectiveness. [1] There are several types of grenades that can be used in the RPG-7 – to include point-detonating or time-delayed. [2]

The next phase of the 14-week long Commando course will see a shift from individual proficiency skills towards team driven training objectives such as patrolling, night mission planning, preparation, and execution, and Close Quarters Battle (CQB). After the CDOQC is completed some of the newly-minted Commandos will go on to more advanced training courses such as Air Terminal Controller, medical, or communications.



[1] RPG-7, Wikipedia.

[2] How Rocket-Propelled Grenades Work, How Stuff Works.

Top Photo: CDOQC Phase 1 RPG Training – An ANASOC instructor talks recruits through the principles of firing the RPG-7. Photo by MSG Felix Figueroa, NSOCC-A, July 30, 2018.

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