The Joint Special Operations University (JSOU) has published an updated listing of research topics for academic year 2021. This listing is tailored to address the special operations priorities that will guide research projects for the special operations community.
The topics are intended to guide the writing by professional military education (PME) students, JSOU faculty, fellows, and others about special operations during the upcoming academic year. The results of the writings will provide a better understanding of the complex issues and opportunities affecting the strategic and operational planning needs for special operations forces.
The 62-page PDF identifies research priorities for the SOF community. The priorities were generated from recommendations submitted by the United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), theater special operations commands (TSOCs), component commands, research centers, and other organizations.
The JSOU publication provides an explanation of the USSOCOM Commander’s Five Special Operations Priorities:
- Compete and Win for the Nation
- Preserve and Grow Readiness
- Innovate for Future Threats
- Advance Partnerships
- Strengthen our Force and Family
The JSOU publication then lists and describes twelve priority topics that are in one of the five categories above. The next section of the document lists and describes 45 additional topics – all from the five categories above.
JSOU has also announced their annual call for special operations-related research. They are asking for research proposal submissions to be submitted by August 31, 2020. JSOU publishes monographs, occasional papers, and ‘Quick Looks’.
The Joint Special Operations University provides joint special operations forces education for students and educators to develop leaders for the future SOF operating environment. This is done through joint professional military education and fostering special operations research.
This JSOU publication is interesting and educational reading for the special operations professional. You may not be interested in writing a long paper for submission; but the reading of this pub will give you a look at what USSOCOM considers to be the hot topics, priorities, and challenges of the future.
Special Operations Research Topics 2020: Revised Edition for Academic Year 2021, Joint Special Operations University (JSOU), 2020.