On January 23, 2020, The Department of Defense provided to Congress the DOD 1225 report on Afghanistan. The semiannual report, Enhancing Security and Stability in Afghanistan, covers events during the period of June 1 to November 30, 2019.
The principle goal of the U.S. strategy in Afghanistan has not changed during this reporting period. It remains to achieve a “durable and inclusive political settlement to the war that protects the United States homeland from terrorist attacks.” The U.S. is currently engaged in efforts to find a political settlement with the Taliban and the U.S. military mission is in support of diplomatic efforts to achieve a political settlement as well as to conduct counterterrorism operations.
This 93-page 1225 report states that there are still challenges within the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF). Chief among these challenges are corruption, attrition of the force, and the inability to conduct logistical planning. These challenges remain a focus of the Resolute Support Mission.
The report is divided into several sections:
- Section 1 – Strategy and Objectives
- Section 2 – Threat Assessment
- Section 3 – Overview of ANDSF
- Section 4 – MOD and ANA
- Section 5 – MOI and ANP
- Section 6 – Financing the ANDSF
- Annex A – Acronyms
Enhancing Security and Stability in Afghanistan
DOD 1225 Report, December 2019
U.S. Department of Defense
Photo: Image from DOD 1225 Report December 2019 – Enhancing Security and Stability in Afghanistan, January 23, 2020.