CRS Report on Afghanistan – November 2018

CRS Report on Afghanistan November 2018

An updated CRS report on Afghanistan has been posted. The 18-page report (R45122) published on November 1, 2018 provides an overview of the U.S. involvement in Afghanistan and the US policy on Afghanistan.

Entitled Afghanistan: Background and U.S. Policy: I Brief, the report provides by the Congressional Research Service provides members of Congress with

“. . . an overview of current political and military dynamics, with a focus on the Trump Administration’s new strategy for Afghanistan and South Asia, the U.S.-led coalition and Afghan military operations, and recent political developments, including prospects for peace talks and elections.”

The report topics include:

  • Overview
  • Political Situation
  • Reconciliation Efforts and Obstacles
  • Military and Security Situation
  • ANDSF Development and Deployment
  • U.S. Troop Levels and Authorities
  • Pakistan and Other Neighbors
  • Revised Regional Approach
  • Economy and U.S. Aid
  • Future Outlook

Additionally, the report provides  – by way of figures – a depiction of insurgent activity in Afghanistan by district and a graphic of the control of districts in Afghanistan.

The opening and concluding sections of the report – “Overview” and “Outlook” – provide a measured assessment of the security situation in Afghanistan. The report notes that while US military officials remain optimistic that the Taliban will be forced to the negotiating table – policymakers and analysts have described the war against the insurgency as a stalemate. The report indicates that the Taliban have demonstrated considerable capabilities in 2018 and that U.S. hopes for a negotiated settlement has not transpired.

The report can be read online or downloaded:


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